i'm highly infected/affected

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Why is Fox Allowing O.J. to Rekindle My Thoughts of Hating Him?

O.J. is ridiculous! He got away with killing his wife, and now he wants to gloat about it. I think Fox news shouldn't give him a chance to brag about murdering his wife. Fox is only shedding bad light upon itself.
I am definitely outraged at Fox for allowing a murderer to have some air time. It gives a bad representation of what Fox is all about. Now, whenever someone mentions Fox, all I can think of is O.J. telling America what we already know, that he killed his wife. Personally, I definitely don't want to watch the interview. I already have an almost certain idea of what is going to happen. O.J. will sit across Judith Regan, while smiling and denying the fact that he killed his wife. It will be a moment of Deja Vu.
Didn't O.J. get enough air time in 1994? O.J. isn't going to out right tell Regan that he killed his wife, so why even put him on air? It will be a horrible interview that will do no justification to the death of an innocent woman and man. The only thing the interview will do is promote O.J.'s book, which is even more ridiculous than the interview itself. Fox is really going to let O.J. talk about a book titled, "If I Did It, Here's How It Happened." I don't need a book to tell me how it happened. I know how it happened. The rest of America knows how it happened. Why can't Fox figure out how it happened? Here's a clue to Fox, "America let him get away with it by denying the facts and giving him too much air time!"
I don't know if Fox truly believes this interview is going to be the supposed "last chapter for the trial of the century" as quoted by Fox Vice President of Alternative Programming. Is Fox kidding me- the last chapter? The last chapter of the trial happened years ago! O.J. lied about killing his wife in the past, and he will continue to lie about killing her. The Fox interview will tell us nothing more than we already know. I vote that it be cancelled. I'm praying that Fox has a moment of clarity and forgets about the whole interview. Come on Fox, I'm rooting for you!
  • This spoof of O.J. is in response to, "If I Did It, Here's How It Happened

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